Be Part of Our Story
You can be a part of the Legion Veteran Village Research Foundation's story by supporting or donating to the work that we do in improving the continuum of care for veterans, first responder, and their families.
Your donation will be used to support translational research and to support for veterans and first responders to access advanced clinical programs, technologies, and services. After all, they have given so much in serving our country. Their legacy is our safety and freedom. Now it’s our turn to give back to them.
Donate by mail
Please address cheques to Legion Veterans Village Research Foundation, and mail it to:
101-10626 City Parkway
Surrey, BC, V3T 0S3

lives one
innovation at a time
At the Legion Veterans Village Research Foundation, we are
pioneering an integrated and holistic approach to a
continuum of care. We have partnership, leadership, clinics
and research facilities, and the vision to make a difference
for our veterans and first responders in need.